Dhaka North City Corporation (DNCC)


01. Project Title : Urban Resilience Project (URP): Dhaka North City Corporation (DNCC) Part
02. a) Sponsoring Ministry/Division : Ministry of Local Government, Rural Development and Cooperatives (MOLGRD&C)
b) Executing Agency : Dhaka North City Corporation (DNCC)
03. Objectives of the Project:

The overall objective is:

To enhance the capacity of relevant government entities in Dhaka and Sylhet to effectively plan for, respond to, and recover from, emergency events.

Specific objectives:

i) Build Disaster Risk Management and Emergency Response Capability of the Dhaka City Corporations (North and South), including the establishment of one fully operating EOC for Dhaka City as well as satellite control rooms stationed at institutions which are members of the Dhaka City Disaster Response Coordinating Group and the zone-level administrative unit of DCCs;
ii) Build Disaster Risk Management and Emergency Response Capability of the Sylhet City Corporation including the establishment of a fully operating EOC for Sylhet City Corporation
iii) Enhance the Emergency Management Planning and Response Capability of the Fire Services and Civil Defense (FSCD) with fixed and mobile emergency command and control rooms, to include ICT equipment and additional life-saving equipment and construction of distributed warehouses to house emergency response assets for its facilities in Dhaka and Sylhet; and
iv) Increase Institutional Capacity to manage and respond to emergencies through comprehensive development programs, drills and exercises.
04. Location of the Project
  Division District Thana/City Corporation
Dhaka Dhaka Dhaka North City Corporation
Sylhet Sylhet Sylhet City Corporation
05. Estimated Cost of the Project :
    i) Total Tk. 81,222.64 Lac
ii) GoB Tk.   1,455.00 Lac
iii) Project Aid Tk. 79,767.64 Lac
Exchange Rate 1 US$ = 83.30 TAKA
06. Project Implementation Period : i) Date of Commencement 01 July, 2015
    ii) Date of Completion 30 June, 2024

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